Friday 9 September 2016

pursue your dreams with self-study or without tuition / coaching

People are just going to coaching and tuition for study to get good marks in exams . what advantages we can get if we can score well by self-study  ?

 1. Saving of money  
 2.Saving of time
 3. development of self skills and techniques etc

Lets think :what happen in coaching so that we get concepts quickly instead of reading from books?

we write the concept at-least for once and something goes to our mind , while we read it from books then we don't write it  ,just read it so that after a particular time it look irritating  ... !!!!!

Solution for this is that when you read it your-self from books write it at-least once so that something will touch your mind as happens when read in coaching .. !!! and if you will practice it for 2 or 3 times at room then most of part of concept will automatically clear and mind also will become fress !!

Doing this i can promise that you will be able to read more efficiently and interest will automatically boost . you will get a positive confidence to write well in exams and get good marks !!!

Initially for 4-5 days you may feel irritating while start applying this technique but after some days the subject whatever you are reading (dose not matter what is it) will become interested !!!! 

Ultimately your study will become more efficient and better output-able when you practice and write the concepts and things on paper  !!!

At starting it may looks like nothing going into mind but you will realize when you need output from your mind   that something went into mind , that will be surprise for you !!!

In short : More writting practise  =>  better score in exams !!!!


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